Robe of the chosen dead
Robe of the chosen dead

This dupe worked and eventually resulted in the hero's death. As he was dying the kentauros persuaded Deianeira to take some of his poisoned blood as a love charm should Herakles ever prove unfaithful. Herakles heard her cries and slew Nessos with a poisoned arrow. The sight of the beautiful woman, however, inflamed him with passion and he attempted to violate her. When Herakles arrived with his new bride Deianeira, Nessos carried her across the river on his back. He fled his homeland after the Lapith war and made his way to the Aitolian river Euenos (Evenus) where he set himself up as a ferryman.

robe of the chosen dead robe of the chosen dead

NESSOS (Nessus) was one of Thessalian Kentauroi (Centaurs). Duck? ( nêssos) Heracles, Nessus and Deianeira, Athenian red-figure kylix C5th B.C., Museum of Fine Arts Boston

Robe of the chosen dead